Neonatal care
Neonatal care
About 1 in 7 babies need specialist care on a neonatal unit because they are unwell or born prematurely. Babies may need help with their breathing, feeding or keeping warm or have a medical condition that needs treatment. The need for neonatal unit care is often unexpected.
The Jessop Wing Neonatal Unit provides specialist care for babies and families from Sheffield, as well as those needing intensive care and surgery from other areas.
Intensive care and neonatal surgery are provided for many different conditions, apart from some heart problems.
There are:
- 12 intensive care cots
- 6 high dependency cots
- Up to 18 special cots
- Up to 6 transitional care cots, where care is supported by neonatal staff with parent and baby together on the postnatal ward
If a baby needs an operation, the care before and after surgery will take place on the Neonatal unit. The operation is usually performed at the Sheffield Children’s Hospital. Embrace, the regional infant and children’s transport team, care for babies during the journey to and from Sheffield Children’s Hospital.
Parents as partners in care on the Neonatal Unit
Parents, brothers and sisters of babies can be with their baby at any time on the neonatal unit. Grandparents can also come to the neonatal unit at any time – this will either be with a parent or with parental consent.
There are lots of ways parents can care for their baby on the neonatal unit. Staff on the neonatal unit will provide information, explain and give support to families to do this.
Staff will always be available to answer questions. We support parents to be part of the ward rounds on the neonatal unit and to be involved in making decisions about their baby’s care.
Facilities for Parents and Families
There is a family coffee room on the neonatal unit and a playroom with books and toys for siblings, as well as books to read to babies.
Meals and drinks are provided for families with babies on the neonatal unit. There are a range of meals available including vegetarian and halal.
Seven parent bedrooms are available on the neonatal unit so families who are a long way from home or preparing for discharge can stay near their baby. Beds are also available for parents in oneof the special care rooms on the neonatal unit. Additional parent accommodation is provided a short walk away from the neonatal unit.
Free car parking permits are provided for families with a baby on the neonatal unit. A member of staff will help with this.
Visiting for other family members and friends
Other family members and friends can visit between 8.00am and 8.00pm. Visitors must be over 14 years of age. It is possible to have two people at the cotside at any time. Visitors may be asked to leave the unit during ward rounds, treatment or to respect the privacy of other parents.