Having a baby is one of the most exciting things that can happen to you. But you might be feeling nervous as well, particularly if it is your first baby. Other people might all be giving you advice. And then there is all the information on the internet as well as in magazines and books.
At times it can feel overwhelming and it’s hard to know who is right when people say different things.  The guidance about pregnancy and babies does change. So it’s important to get up-to-date information so that you can make the right decisions and choices for you and your baby.
Here in Sheffield, we offer a variety of Antenatal classes to help you to prepare for the birth of your baby and becoming a parent. You can choose to attend in-person within the Jessop Wing at weekends or take part in an on-line course from the comfort of your own home on three weekday evenings via Microsoft Teams.

The ideal time to attend the course is from 24 weeks’ gestation onwards. Birth partners are very welcome and 1 ticket booked via Eventbrite will automatically admit up to 2 people.

For more information and to book onto our free courses please go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/jessop-wing-13631750944.
The topics included in each course are very similar whether in-person or on-line; however, if you choose to join the on-line groups the practical part of the sessions and group work is not possible. There is still plenty of opportunity to discuss the topics and ask/answer questions.

Session 1

  • Changes to your body during the third trimester and what to expect
  • How to recognise labour has started.
  • Coping strategies for early labour and how your birth partner can support you.
  • When to call the midwife or come to hospital.


Session 2

  • What to expect when you arrive at the hospital- (photographs of the unit)
  • The stages of labour
  • Analgesia/Pain Reliefs available
  • The Birth and Meeting your baby for the first time.
  • Delivery of the Placenta


Session 3

  • The Golden hour after your Birth
  • Caring for your new-born baby safely
  •  Responsive parenting
  • Feeding choices.
  • Postnatal care and Mental well-being.
  • How to recognise your baby may be unwell and where to seek help.


Links to websites and organisations that could be of use to you are shared for you to take away and view at a later date.